15 Easy Superfood Recipes To Keep You Healthy In 2025

Eating healthy does not have to be boring. Nowadays, there are plenty of options to help you stay on track – and these 15 superfood recipes are our…

Nature’s best anti-aging foods revealed by experts

Discover how common foods like tomatoes, berries, and leafy greens contain powerful compounds that combat aging and promote lasting skin health.

asambeauty-Bestseller: Eine beliebte Creme verleiht Glow – in Sekunden

Ein strahlender Teint in Sekundenschnelle? Das verspricht die Glow Up Creme von asambeauty. Wir haben uns den Bestseller genauer angeschaut.

Das Produkt ist auf der Haut. Und nun?

Bleibt euch treu. «Am wichtigsten ist es, dass man seine Skincare-Routine konsequent durchzieht und Spass daran hat», sagt Tami Blake, Kosmetikerin und Gründerin von Free + True Skincare…

Superfood snack that’s ‘better for your bones than milk’ – and costs just 50p

However, experts are now highlighting a surprising 50p snack that could be even better for your bone health. The humble sardine is a nutrient-rich superfood and pantry staple,…

Vergessen Sie Anti-Falten-Cremes: Dermatologin verrät, was wirklich den Alterungsprozess verlangsamt

Im Internet wird heiß spekuliert, ob eine bestimmte Generation schneller altert. Eine Star-Dermatologin verrät, was an den Gerüchten dran ist & welche Anti-Aging-Maßnahmen wirklich effektiv sind.

Der genialste Beauty-Trick, um im Winter jeden Tag frisch auszusehen

Niedrige Temperaturen, wenig Sonne und trockene Heizungsluft sorgen jedes Jahr dafür, dass unsere Haut in den Wintermonaten blass und fahl aussieht und auf mehr Pflege angewiesen ist. Dass…

We asked experts about the must-have products when it comes to anti-aging

Here are the best anti-aging skin care products, according to dermatologists. Find out top picks from Differin, Cerave and more.

‘Superfood’ costing 69p for 1kg helps lose weight, delays ageing and lowers blood sugar

It is also packed with vitamin A which helps protect against cancer, age-related macular degeneration, and measles …

Discover flaxseed: Unlock the superfood’s health secrets

Despite its unassuming appearance, flaxseed is a superfood that holds a wealth of nutrients. Discover the properties of flaxseed and why it’s worth incorporating into your diet. For…

Verleih deinen Lippen strahlenden Glanz mit dem Lip Topper von Rossmann

Verleihe deinen Lippen verführerischen Glanz mit dem Lip Topper von Rossmann. Für strahlende, glamouröse Lippen, die alle Blicke auf sich ziehen. Der Rival loves me Lip Topper von…

Bestseller! Diese Drogerie-Marke hat die beste Hyaluroncreme 2025

Hautpflege muss nicht teuer sein – unser Lieblingsprodukt aus der Drogerie beweist es: Es kostet weniger als 10 Euro und ist ein echter Bestseller …

Mochi Skin: Der neue Pflegetrend aus Korea ist 2025 angesagter denn je

Mochi Skin ist das neuste Skin-Ideal aus Asien. Wir verraten euch, wie ihr sie bekommt und was genau dahinter steckt.

The ‘Powerful’ Anti-Aging Supplement To Take If You’re Over 50

Actual fountains of youth may not exist, but supplements can be the next best thing we have in our journey toward better health. If you’re already knowledgeable about…

Next-Gen Anti-Aging Innovations Set to Reshape Skincare in 2025

As we dive deeper into the science of aging, innovations in the anti-aging field are now more targeted than ever. With a focus on addressing the molecular and…

Anti-ageing skincare secrets: What products to include at every age

An expert guide on the anti-ageing skincare ingredients and products to include in your routine from your twenties to forties …

Emerging Innovations in Anti-Aging in 2025

From polynucleotides to exosomes to biostimulators, the field of skin antiaging is experiencing an enormous growth with a deeper understanding of skin biology …

7 anti-aging tips to boost your energy levels and fight the signs of ageing

Ageing is inevitable and has to happen one day or the other. However, there are many things that you can do to not only slow down this natural…

Spirulina: The Green Superfood You Need to Know About

Spirulina? It’s way more than just a simple algae! If you’ve been wondering about the benefits of this superfood, you’re in the right place. Discover why spirulina has…